January 29, 2009

Syafnida's House

After hantar Syaf dgn Tam,
at Putrajaya we went back
to Selayang. at 1st
we're planning to
go chillin out sumwhere

but then Syaf invited
us to her small party ;p
she also invited those

lovable Twinnie ;p
haha so oke lah
Aliph was at Ou if
im not
mistaken while
Acaf stil home ;p

so around 9 we went to

Ampang to pick up Dewi
then Putra, fetched up Twinnie

den pegi rumah Syaf
bile smpai je we're like
OMG sume org pkai sopan2

shit Syaf ckp small party
haha afta die kene bebel ngn me
haha we all pon msuk slm2 ;p
haha but papepon her bro's
is soo fuckin
good especially
when he sang Maha Karya Cinta haha
btw Tq Syaf for inviting us
Twinnie tq for joinin u
muaxxx xoxo ;p

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