December 26, 2009

Iszraf Asiraf

I'm totally speechless when I saw your blog
it was awesome ! after what we've been through,
it felt like we were friends since small and it will last forever !
Trust me, miss you Iszraf. can't wait for you to be back here
like we used to be with Appleofmyeyes ! lovecha !

December 25, 2009

Christmas Birthday

“Wishing you all have a very best Christmas this year”
been catched up with old friends where I think its good for myself.
kinda freezing tonight but still I'm waiting for my cigarette and
I think I should wish you
guys again,
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday
to few friends of mine.

December 26th, 2009

Riana, happy birthday !

Dann, happy birthday !

Ayie, happy birthday !

December 24, 2009


Anyone got Gossip Girls Season 3 Episode 11 and so on ?
Please do let me know ok. Damn, I'm so into Blair and Chuck.
Well, don't forget about Nate and Dan coz they're also killing me =)
You know you love me
XOXO gossip girls. ;p

December 19, 2009

For You

I gave you all your desired,
All that you needed,
Boy I provided.

I don't know where to start,
or where to stop,
but I know I am done,
I've had enough.

December 18, 2009

Back To Basic

Whoah been away from blog, busy with examination
and problems. Currently on holiday, too many things happened
to me but thanks, it made me a stronger person.
Sleep, facebooking, EAT are my activities
at home, what else
to do lah kan.
Try to find myself back, try to be near to our Creator.
I've been too far lately, so I think it is
the right time for me
to back to basic.
Getting older made me a matured person
where I always think about my future.

haha watever it is, I started to play Ragnarok Online back !
ahaha damn I miss my old times
playing games with friends
less problem! haha.
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